3 Feet from Gold or Carrot on a Stick?

I am in a particular mood. I am not sure where I will talk about that. Certainly not here, because I am trying my best to get this site back on the rails as it were. BlissWriter is meant to be a place of more positive energy, higher vibration and spirituality. Or at least get as close to these ideals as possible. I have been posting status updates at my Discord, but I fear I will drive away the few people that actually are a part of it. On the other hand, I don’t want to be inauthentic. I take some sort of perverse pride in hiding nothing.

Anyhow, it was in this mood that I tried to listen to Bob Proctor’s, “Thoughts Are Things” tonight, and could only stomach a few chapters. The Universe was taking perverse pride in torturing me, because these chapters were talking all about things like determination, perseverance, willpower. Things all grating against my mood. Things essentially worshipping something Napoleon Hill said about how many prospectors quit “3 feet from gold” in the old days. Essentially Bob Proctor is telling us that too often we quit just before we find success.

Well that left me with a question… How long can you realistically be “3 feet from gold” or I can’t remember the words he used to describe being on the verge of success? Where is the cut-off point between blind optimism driving you to just keep going a little more and logical reasoning that if you have been digging in a mine for a few years chances are there is nothing there? Is it crueler to tell a terminal cancer patient to “just hold on a little longer” or , “just let go, you have held on long enough?” How many people still died in the wake of the sinking of the Titanic, holding on to debris with a death grip, freezing, shivering, dying painfully when they could have just let go, endured some brief but intense pain, and then moved on to whatever awaited in the afterlife?

Speaking of… Where do the powers-that-be in the afterlife draw the line? If you were in the wreckage of the Titanic, and you were going to die whether you held on or let go, are they gonna punish the ones who let go? Would they be accused of “abusing and wasting” their physical body, as we seem to be warned against doing in the teachings Dolores Cannon received? Isn’t it more evil to try to control people to keep them going when there is is absolutely no hope of success? Where is that line, signifying no hope of success, and how do we know when we have crossed it?

I listened to the reports from concentration camp survivors, how one man said, “I had hope.” It made me sick to my stomach. Either Tony Robbins or Alex Hormozi had something to say about hope that I can across recently. Hope is not a good thing. Sure we put it on a pedestal and have been raised to believe it is, but the person talking about this (I will try to link to whatever I read later) made some good points. How much must one person endure and what exactly is the reward for letting yourself get beaten, raped and shot at over and over again? Then they talked about poor Van Gogh, how he sold only one painting in his lifetime. Sure Van Gogh is famous now, what the hell good does that do him? He’s long dead, he cut off his own ear and had to live in an asylum for a while (I have the right guy I think.) But he’s famous now so that makes it all OK!

That’s the crux of the issue for me… I am staring 50 in the face now. How long does conventional wisdom apply to me? Get a job, get married, have kids… How long until I can’t work? How long must I wait before I find a female who will choose me over someone much younger and in better health? Much less a female that I would find desirable. I am sure there are many amazing but overweight or ugly 40+ year-olds who would be interested in me. But they don’t turn me on. I don’t care what society thinks either about older guys who want younger women – it can go and collectively you-know-what itself!

Finally… How much longer will I be viable to have kids? How much longer should I have kids, before they are more than I can handle? Kids are a big responsibility, one I would love to have. I take that very seriously! If I can’t play and run around with them, do stuff with them and be active, I better not even have (or adopt) them!

This post has drifted into what sounds like, and is, a bunch of whining, as I am sure Hormozi would refer to it. The point of it is simply to question this teaching. It is so deeply ingrained in our society, and it is the perfect control mechanism for slaves. Want people to work for you until they drop dead? Easy! Just tell them that if they just keep going a little longer, they can have that nice retirement home on the coast. They can have that nice promotion and raise. They will finally find success in their service business. As long as human lives are thrown into it, the machine stays greased and lubricated. It keeps grinding along.

I wish teachers like Hormozi, the late Bob Proctor and Tony Robbins would realize this and stop misleading people. I wish they would stop feeding the machine. I wish they would acknowledge that there comes a point when maybe it is better to quit, to simply walk away – not stick with it simply because you have put so much time into it already. I know this is important in creative endeavors.

Well I don’t think they ever will, but I will. It’s OK to quit and walk away, especially once you have invested enough energy and time into whatever you are doing but seen few if any returns. I must also warn you, as these teachers and others warn you, that in a few instances you might actually quit right on the verge of success. Some of the people in the wreckage of the Titanic were rescued, right? But holding on for holding ons sake or because others expect you to (especially if none of those others are in the trenches with you) is sheer insanity!

I will argue that sometimes, maybe even most of the time, letting go is right choice. Just listen to your heart and choose for yourself. Maybe the few that got rescued from the Titanic had some sort of powerful mindset that kept them alive and drew rescue to them before it was too late. Maybe you have direct access to that same power in you. Be sure you have used everything you have, and little more, before letting the icy waters of failure claim you.

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